Simplify. Optimize. Succeed

Businesses fail each year because of poorly designed, inefficient, and unknown processes. This often results in


  • Dissatisfied customers (e.g., feeling ignored, poor service, constant delays, increased costs, etc.)
  • Dissatisfied employees (e.g., bad hiring, poor communication, low morale, unnecessary tasks, etc.)
  • Unmet expectations (e.g., undelivered products, projects, services, outputs, etc.)
Over the last 20 years, I have seen first hand the challenges that bad business processes do to impede growth and slow the success of businesses around the globe.
That’s why my mission is to work closely with business owners and leaders to simplify and optimize their processes, so they can achieve their goals with ease and confidence.

What Do I Do?

I collaborate closely with your team to identify core business processes, review for areas of simplification, and document the newly optimized process that, once implemented and adopted, can boost productivity and reduce costs.


My approach is thoughtful, realistic, and focused on delivering results. Together we will create a customized plan of action that meets your unique needs, sets and manages expectations, and will help you achieve your goals.

Explore My Process Management Framework

Great companies are centered on optimized, continually improved, and adopted business processes that support both its people and technology. By focusing on business processes, I have helped teams, business units, and entire businesses across a wide range of industries achieve their goals and succeed!

My process management framework (PMF) is designed to provide you with the tools, skills, and support needed to achieve your goals and succeed in your competitive market.

The PMF is built on the following pieces…

Why Focus on Process?

Your business processes are at the core of your business operations. They impact both your internal (employees) and external (customers) stakeholders. The health of your business relies on the health of your processes.


Three common business errors:


  • Groups, teams, business units, companies, organizations, etc. have outdated, unclear, or no defined processes to follow. Without good processes, inefficiencies increase and quality decreases.
  • Companies buy tools to be the “solution”, to what they believe are their problems, without really understanding the core issue. By adding tools to your environment without clearly defined business or technology needs will increase spend (cost) and decrease revenue.
  • Companies hire a new leader or team to be the “solution” to what they believe is the problem. Adding more people to your business without clear processes and expectations adds organizational bloat to your company through an overstaffed structure, over-reaching in services provided, missed deadlines, etc

I am not saying that there aren’t a lot of amazing tools or fantastic people on your team or out in the workforce, BUT without clearly defined, documented, and adopted processes, the business leaders are only going after the symptoms of the problem.


Let me come in, run a 2 day workshop with your team, and set a plan to simplify and optimize your processes, provide documentation, and plan to implement (e.g., ownership, communicate, train, and adopt).

“A business is most successful when its operational focus is 80% on process and 20% across both people (10%) and technology (10%)”
EightyTenTen, LLC
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